Time flies, with a blink of an eye this year already went right by us. I don't know if it's just me or college is flying pass by us, maybe it's because of the quater system? I don't know but certainly we are getting older whether we like it or not. This past quater has not been an easy quater, school was stressful and many dramas happened as well. All my life I try so hard to keep the dramas as far away as possible but somehow they still find their way around. Sometimes I blame myself for thinking way too much about everything but the sad thing is I can't help it. If I can go back in time, there's are some many things I want to fix and change, but I know that is impossible. But at the end of a tiring and stressful day, I sit down in front of my laptop and write this down, my friends, family and girlfriend came to my mind, I asked myself, "Why look back?" Because no matter what happens, they will always be there for me and I will always be there for them. True, times maybe hard, but it is the people we love that keeps us going day after day, and just that reason alone is good enough for me.